
Mostrando entradas de 2018

Water Diseases

Disease environment transmission prevention treatment symptoms Bilharzia tropical lands through holes of people feet by warms use shoes and improve sanitation steroid medications weakness, anaemic,  bladder infections Malaria wet seasons. In swamps, ponds, lakes, canlas of fresh water female mosquitoes drinks the blood whose contains malaria parasite using insect repellent, covering your arms and legs, and using a mosquito net antimalarial medicine high temperature of 38C or above, feeling hot and shivery, headaches, vomiting, muscle pains and diarrhoea Cholera in places without a clean water supply or modern sewage system, such as parts of Africa and Asia drinking unclean water, eating food that's been in unclean water wash your hands with soap and water, only drink tap water (while travelling) vaccination have bloody diarrhoea or bleeding from your bottom Dengue southeast Asia,the Caribbean, the Indian subcontine...


In the Environmental Management class we made a research of dans and we learned the good things and bad things they have. Advantages Disadvantages The building of dans is important to provide energy, to prevent flood, to store water and to improve navigation. But the building of Large dans is important since they guarantee supplies during times of low rainfall and periods of high demands. They provide massive power generation. The large dams are always controversial. The water supplies are assured throughout the whole country. In addition the cultivated area of Egypt has doubled from 4 to 8. The large dans are very expensive. To build them they need a lot of space and that cause loss of habitat. 1.2 million of people were forced to move from their homes, relocation of people. Dans are places were the mosquitos thrive, they reproduce there. There are less sediments and that is really bad for farming. In addition the risk of upstream of earthquake and landslides increased. Al...

Use of fresh water

The video is about the differences between the rich water countries and the poor water countries, it shows what they eat, live, etc. But the main thing was how the boy who lives in the rich water country get the water so easily that was the contrary of the girl of the poor water county. At the end the rich water country helps the other one. Use of water: -We use water for domestics. For example to clean the dishes, to take baths and to drink. -Also for industrial: for example in factories and for power. -And agricultural. For example for irrigation.

El Aparato De Funke

En la clase de biología realizamos el aparato de Funke utilizando una botella cortada a la mitad, un globo, cinta,guantes de latex y pajitas o cañito de plástico. Este dispositivo representa el sistema respiratorio; el guante se coloca en la parte de abajo de la botella de plástico cortada a la mitad y representa el diafragma, cuando el diafragma sube y las costillas vuelven a su lugar, el torax se achica y empuja a los pulmones que expulsan el aire por las vias respiratorias hacia afuera. El aire ingresa por las vías respiratorias (fosas nasales,faringe,laringe,traquea) (cañito de plástico) y llega a los pulmones (globo) que se infla.

Tropical Cyclones

Tropical cyclones: They are intense winds with storms that occur in areas of the planet that have a lower atmospheric pressure. Cyclones extract their energy from the condensation of humid air, this is what produces strong winds. Tropical cyclones are formed on surfaces of warm water and when the atmospheric conditions around a small alteration in the atmosphere are fable. They can also be formed when some cyclones have tropical characteristics. Tropical cyclones are named differently around the world, for example “hurricane” is the name given over the Atlantic and the eastern Pacific Oceans. In the western North Pacific and The Philippines they are called “ typhoons” and in India and the South Pacific Ocean they are called “cyclones”. This is the list of the most intense tropical cyclones: "Cuba" 1924 "Cuba" 1932 "Labor Day" 1935 Janet 1955 Hattie 1961 Camille 1969 Allen 1980 Gloria 1985 Gilbert 1988 Hugo 1989 Opal 19...

TP Les Misérables

Écrit par Azul Ramirez, Cecilia Arias Duval, Beltran Bravo y Ana Sampalione en classe de français. Titre: Les Misérables - Court résumé: Le protagoniste Jean Valjean s'échappe de la prison, où il accomplissait une prison injustement. Valjean arrive à la porte du Monseigneur Myriel, qui lui donne un logement. Malgré le bon coeur de myriel dérobe une demi-douzaine de couverts en argent, tandis que le monseigneur dormait.Mais Valjean est saisi par la police quand il fuyait et le porte devant monseigneur Myriel et cela déclare avoir offert à eux. Myriel conseille au fugitif Valjean qu'il soit régénéré et qu'il suive le chemin du bien. Valjean se change d'un nom par monsieur Magdalena, et après s'enrichit, la fortune qui lui sert à aider les plus nécessiteux. Admiré et voulu par le peuple, il devient le Maire mais pour son malheur Valjean se trouve avec son poursuivant Javert. Avant de mourir Fantine, Jean Valjean se proposait de protéger la petite fille Cosette...

¿Que hay en el sistema digestivo?

Para saber un poco mas sobre es sistema digestivo en biología hicimos esta presentación, sobre las partes del sistema digestivo y sus funciones

Un poquito mas de información sobre los virus

En este vídeo podemos observar como el virus entra en el cuerpo humano desde lo exterior y luego como entra en el interior de el cuerpo. El vídeo también muestra como actúa el cuerpo cuando el virus entra, se puede ver como las células del cuerpo lo protegen.