In the Environmental Management class we made a research of dans and we learned the good things and bad things they have. Advantages Disadvantages The building of dans is important to provide energy, to prevent flood, to store water and to improve navigation. But the building of Large dans is important since they guarantee supplies during times of low rainfall and periods of high demands. They provide massive power generation. The large dams are always controversial. The water supplies are assured throughout the whole country. In addition the cultivated area of Egypt has doubled from 4 to 8. The large dans are very expensive. To build them they need a lot of space and that cause loss of habitat. 1.2 million of people were forced to move from their homes, relocation of people. Dans are places were the mosquitos thrive, they reproduce there. There are less sediments and that is really bad for farming. In addition the risk of upstream of earthquake and landslides increased. Al...