Types of rocks

I am writing this report to talk about 3 diferent tipes of rocks they are the Igneous rock, metamorfic rock and the sedimentary rock.

Igneous Rock:
This rock is formed by "fire", They are associated with volcanic activity Magma from the mantle, which rises upwards towards the surface, forms igneous rocks when it cools. Granite and Basalt are then two most common types, this type of rock are mostly found in oceans or near divergent movements of plates tectonics.The uses for igneous rocks are construction.

Sedimentary Rocks:
These rocks are made of sediments.Sediments are small particles of rock broken off from rocks which outcropped on the Earth’s surface. Sandstone is one type, these you can find in any beach. They are mostly used for highway constructions, buildings, or even for chalks in schools.

Metamorphic Rocks:
These are rocks which have been changed by heat and pressure in the Earth’s crust. Rocks in contact with new magma flows are changed by the heat. Metamorphic rocks are mostly used for roof material.

My conclusion is that the rocks are very useful for us because with them we can build our houses, with the materials they have and if there are no more rocks our houses will not exist or some buildings and that will bring problems, we can not live without a house!


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