In the class of Drama we made plays in groups. My group made a live perform about bullying, we use the theater tecnic that was brech. The play was called The revenge. Group members: Roman, Azul, Cecilia and Francisco Theme: Bullying (Brecht theatre) -Multirroling -He wanted to make the audience think, and used a range of devices to remind them that they were watching theatre and not real life. -Consider the meaning in a parable (a story with a wider moral message). You might want to explore a theme or issue and make your audience consider varying viewpoints or sides to an argument. -Break the fourth wall: They are active members of the theatrical experience as they are kept thinking throughout, not switching off. 5 characters: 3 bulliers (Johnny, Grayson and Mandy). 2 geeks (Carlos and Rosa), they are mexicans. Setting: A high school in the USA The revenge 3 bullies whispering: “Let's take the homework of that poor Mexican, lets...