Drama play

In the class of Drama we made plays in groups. My group made a live perform about bullying, we use the theater tecnic that was brech. The play was called The revenge.

Group members: Roman, Azul, Cecilia and Francisco

Theme: Bullying 

(Brecht theatre)


-He wanted to make the audience think, and used a range of devices to remind them that they were watching theatre and not real life.

-Consider the meaning in a parable (a story with a wider moral message). You might want to explore a theme or issue and make your audience consider varying viewpoints or sides to an argument.

-Break the fourth wall: They are active members of the theatrical experience as they are kept thinking throughout, not switching off.

5 characters: 3 bulliers (Johnny, Grayson and Mandy). 2 geeks (Carlos and Rosa), they are mexicans.

Setting: A high school in the USA

The revenge

3 bullies whispering: “Let's take the homework of that poor Mexican, lets get them back to their country”, “Johnny you go”.

-Johnny: “Hey Carlos! What are you doing, studying again looser?”

-Carlos: “That's not your business” 

-Mandy: “Shut up Mexican! This is our country we can do whatever we want!”

-Rosa: “Whats your problem with Mexicans?”

- The 3 answer: “Because they are poor and they come to the USA to study and finally they finish being our gardeners”

-Grayson: “Now, Carlo, give me your homework or you will suffer”

-Rosa: “He will not!”

-Carlos: “Yes, I have to, I don't want to suffer more”

Carlos, scared give the homework to the bullies while Rosa looked at him with an angry and fastidious face.

They were back at home.

-Rosa: “Porque siempre le tenemos que dar todo a esos cabrones? Estoy cansada de esos malditos xenófobos”.

-Carlos: “Porque ya no quiero sufrir mas, ya invente demasiadas excusas a mi madre sobre mis golpes”.

At school they talk in english to make the bulliers not realize they are there.

-Rosa: “We need to change this situation, we have to do something”

-Carlos: “Like what?”

-Rosa: “We have to take revenge”

-Carlos: “But they are really dangerous, we can get into real problems with them”.

-Rosa: “But we have to”.

Then they went to Rosas house and they spend the whole afternoon planing the revenge, because the were sick of them.

They create a great plan to humiliate the bullies. They will write a card that said that if the bullies don't stop bothering them, the will explode the school. 

They send the card to the bullies, but they only start laughing and don't care. Time passed and the situation did not change.

So the last day of school they put the bomb and all the school explote (Nobody was at school). They run out of the USA.

-Carlos: “We are going to have very serious problems”.

- Rosa: “What problems? All school know that they are bullies and dangerous people, they will think that is their fault”.

Rosa and Carlos see in TV that a school in USA was destroyed by a bomb and that the 4 bullies were blamed, also the police put them in jail.

But nobody ever knew that Rosa and Carlos were the real criminals.

Final questions

-Do you think that revenge is the way to solve things? Why?

-Have you ever bully or discriminate someone? Why?


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