How to know if the past was what it was?

Well, there are a lot of ways were you can get informed and confirm what you believe about the past, that forms are evidence and politics.This essay will analyse that.

In the first place you can look for evidence, but where you can find that?. One way is to look in official records, but they can lie since there people could manipulated the information 1000 years ago and we will never know, that is why we have the internet know. Well there are a lot of places on internet where you can get informed but you have to know that you can't always trust in one site, you have to check a lot more and if the information is similar or identical in every place you check it might be truth, but you can't just trust the internet since it is not always true.

Secondly, you can get informed by politics, but we all know that they are not 100% honest with us, so that is why you can't always trust what they said since they can manipulate historical events to their own advantage to make us believe things that are not just for our vote, in some cases.

So, in conclusion this are the best ways to know historical events but you have to be careful and know that the source is real since if its wrong it can be really confusing and believe what is true for you as you can get influenced by others that probably don't know so much about the topic.


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