You should be honest all the time or not?

Everyone has lied sometime throughout their life for many reasons and people think not telling the truth or being dishonest is bad, but sometimes it’s better to not have an opinion, since it can hurt others.

To begin with, it’s imposible to be honest to our friends all the time, it can be hurtful since if your friend is really happy about something and you tell them that, that is not the right thing or that you don’t have the same opinion it can be really hurtful. You will probably hurt your friend, your are not being dishonest, you are just not doing  something that you know it will hurt your friend.

Secondly, I’m pretty sure most people have lied at some time or another to authorities about minor matters but for important things you should tell them the truth, for example when you fail a importan exam and you don’t want your parents to know, you may lie and be dishonest to them, another example is when you do something wrong or break something first you have to accept that what you did was bad and try to fix it but when an authority ask what you did and you lie because you are afraid of the consequences that will probably get you into more trouble than before, so in that case it’s better to tell the truth.

In conclusion, it’s better to know when to be honest and when it’s better to remain silent since you can hurt the people you care about and if you did something wrong you should tell the truth since it will get worse than before.


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