"One Month"

One Month
By: Azul Ramirez
My name is Emily Grey and I live in Los Angeles, California. I'm five teen years old, I'm short but thin and I'm blonde with green eyes.
One day I was walking after school, when I saw a boy that I think he was my age, he was crying and I didn't know why, so I went and asked- why are you crying?- I said, he looked at me with watery eyes and he said- because my...my dog past away. I didn't know what to do so I thought of an idea to make him feel better- oh sorry, can I help you?- I said-No, it's okey, but thank you for asking-my name is Emily Grey and yours?-I asked- my name is Matthew Smith- he said.I had the best afternoon, Matthew turned out to be very funny, after that I went to my house. 
It's been one month since I met him, that was the best month ever and it seems that I knew him of all the life. He is one of my best friends, I mean my only friend cause I'm "the shy girl". Today my mom called me and told me to hurry up because it was important. When I got home my mom said that we were going to move to England today, I didn't want to leave Matthew so I told him to be in the airport at the same time that my flight. When I saw him, I hugged him and I said goodbye, I entered to the plane and that was the last time that I saw him.
Resultado de imagen para si quedamos como amigos


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