Plate Tectonics

Did you know that the earth move?

                                            In this article you will have the answer.

By: Azul Ramirez

Did you ever want to know more of the movements that the earth does? Well, Under the continental and oceanic crust, in the lithosphere the tectonic plates are in constant movement.
The tectonic plates are divided in seven major plates, like what it said before, the plates are in constant movement but the movements can be different.
Constructive: when two plates are separated one  from each other, causing earthquakes  if the plates are continental plates and tsunamis if the plates are oceanic plates.
Destructive: when two plates crush, one plate must be oceanic and the other continental. This causes earthquakes, tsunamis and mountains because when the two plates crush the oceanic goes under the continental, and the continental goes up.
Collision: when two plates go to the same place, usually one goes faster. This causes earthquakes and tsunamis.
This is important to know because the natural hazards can not stop, and if you have information about this the risk will be less and you know how to react in this situations.


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